Trevor Ganske blends environmental beauty and contrasting anthropogenic effects, using the 21st-century terrain of the digital world. His attachment to the American southwest has developed a strong link to the arid landscape and its biology while experimenting with unconventional methods such as generative coding and laser-cutting. Dealing with issues of environmentalism and techno-futurism, Ganske investigates delineations between artist and machine, natural beauty and absolute randomness.
Born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1990, Trevor Ganske currently lives and works in Las Vegas, Nevada. He received a BFA in graphic design from Northern Arizona University in 2013, followed by a Master's Degree in Museum Studies from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2019. Trevor works in design and installation of museum exhibitions, and participates in local art shows around southern Nevada. His work is housed in local and international private collections.
Local group show curated by Darren Johnson, running August - October, 2024 at the Mayor's Gallery of the Historic Fifth Street School in Downtown Las Vegas. Work selected for purchase by the City of Las Vegas.
Second annual juried art exhibition, the Bullfrog Biennial features art, performance, and music at the museum's Red Barn Art Center, near the ghost town of Rhyolite, NV. This year selected artists were prompted to explore ideas of diversity and desert, whether it be cultural or biological.
Represented by a local gallery in group and solo exhibitions along Main Street in the Las Vegas Arts District.